Quarantine II // weekend 6 // “the nordic”

Quarantine II // weekend 5 // “the uplifting”

#OurTUNEr - Νovember 2020

List of songs we listened to throughout November 2020

Quarantine II // weekend 4 // “the sentimental”

Quarantine II // weekend 3 // “the weirdo”

Quarantine II // weekend 2 // “the anthemic”

Quarantine II // weekend 1 // “the abnormal”

#OurTUNEr - October 2020

List of songs we listened to throughout October 2020

#OurTUNEr - September 2020

List of songs we listened to throughout September 2020

#OurTUNEr - August 2020

List of songs we listened to throughout August 2020

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